
My Goal And Ambition

Hi and hellow to everyone who visits my blog ✋😁 Talking about goals and ambition, well I am not an ambitious person, but i do have some goals that i want to achieve.  I will graduate from hingschool this year, maybe in about 3 months. That also means i have to apply for college. Ugh time flies, still can’t accept the fact that i am 18 years old and just clicks away from being an adult. Im pretty much scared of how adulthood and how college life would feel like, but i have to get through it right?  Now lets talk about my goal for this year.  Since im going to college, i really want to go to Padjadjarann University, Majoring in Anthropology. I have other options for college but the most logical and easiest to get in depending on my grade is if i went to unpad. I really hope i can get in through snpb by that i also hope that i got choosen as an eligible student.. i’ve tried my best to achieve  good grade. I Studied harder than i usually do  , i spend a lot of times so i can  achieve good

About Myself

 Hi guys welcome to my blog, and Im going too introduce myself.. Soo first of all my full name is Rizqita Ghina Fawziya Nurherizza, my friends and family usually calls me Ata or you can call me Ghina too. I was born in lahat, South Sumatra on 13th December 2004. I am teh last child of 3, my eldest brother is 29 years old and my older sister is 25. We're pretty close to eachother even though we have really huge age gap.  When i was 2 years old, my familly finally moved back to bandung and then i live at kiara sari street number 22 until now.  And if you're wondering what my hobbies are.. well same because I dont have any particular hobbies I guess BUT I really enjoy driving by myself while listening to some music and sightseeing.